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Yes, Jesus was born on 25th Dec

Wishing you a Holy and Joyful Christmas

Each Christmas the godless mainstream media like to dismiss the 25th of Dec as the birth of Christ by making a number of nonsensical arguments. They do so in an attempt to diminish people's faith in God and their adherence to His commandments. Below is a refutation of the most common “arguments” against the 25th of Dec being the birthday of Our Lord and saviour.

The most unintelligent and ridiculous of all the arguments is the claim that Jesus could not have been born in December because the Gospel of Luke mentions sheep in the field and therefore it could not have been December, but was more likely to be spring. Even many Catholic “scholars” have mindlessly accepted that argument. Ireland is much colder than Israel. Take a look around Ireland in December, there are sheep in the fields all over the country in rain, hail and snow, so sheep in a field in Israel in December is nothing unusual. In fact, ask any Israeli Shepard and they will tell you that December and January are their busiest times;

Was December 25 chosen by the Catholic Church in an opportunistic move to replace the pagan Roman festival of Saturnalia?

No. Saturnalia commemorated the winter solstice which falls on Dec 22. The celebrations began as early as Dec 17 continuing up to Dec 23. So the dates do not match up. If they wanted to replace Saturnalia, would they not have chosen Dec 22?

Was December 25 chosen to replace the pagan Roman holiday Natalis Solis Invicti which means “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun.”?

No. The Emperor Aurelian introduced the cult of the Sol Invictus or Unconquered Sun to Rome in A.D. 274. Aurelian found political traction with this cult, because his own name Aurelian derives from the Latin word aurora denoting “sunrise.” Coins reveal that Emperor Aurelian called himself the Pontifex Solis or Pontiff of the Sun. Thus, Aurelian simply accommodated a generic solar cult and identified his name with it at the end of the third century. Most importantly, there is no historical record for a celebration Natalis Sol Invictus on December 25 prior to A.D. 354. Within an illuminated manuscript for the year A.D. 354, there is an entry for December 25 reading “N INVICTI CM XXX.” Here N means “nativity.” INVICTI means “of the Unconquered.” CM signifies “circenses missus” or “games ordered.” The Roman numeral XXX equals thirty. Thus, the inscription means that thirty games were ordered for the nativity of the Unconquered for December 25th. Note that the word “sun” is not present. Moreover, the very same codex also lists “natus Christus in Betleem Iudeae” for the day of December 25. The phrase is translated as “birth of Christ in Bethlehem of Judea.” The date of December 25th only became the “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun” under the Emperor Julian the Apostate who had been a Christian but who had apostatized and returned to Roman paganism. History reveals that it was the hateful former Christian Emperor that erected a pagan holiday on December 25. It seems that Julian the Apostate had attempted to introduce a pagan holiday in order to replace the Christian one!

How we know the Birthday of Jesus Christ -

We can establish the birthday of Christ from Sacred Scripture in two steps. The first step is to use Scripture to determine the birthday of Saint John the Baptist. The next step is using Saint John the Baptist’s birthday as the key for finding Christ’s birthday. We can discover that Christ was born in late December by observing first the time of year in which Saint Luke describes Saint Zacharias in the temple. This provides us with the approximate conception date of Saint John the Baptist. From there we can follow the chronology that Saint Luke gives, and that lands us at the end of December. Saint Luke reports that Zacharias served in the “course of Abias” (Lk 1:5) which Scripture records as the eighth course among the twenty-four priestly courses (Neh 12:17). Each shift of priests served one week in the temple for two times each year. The course of Abias served during the eighth week and the thirty-second week in the annual cycle.However, when did the cycle of courses begin?

Josef Heinrich Friedlieb has convincingly established that the first priestly course of Jojarib was on duty during the destruction of Jerusalem on the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av. Thus the priestly course of Jojarib was on duty during the second week of Av. Consequently, the priestly course of Abias (the course of Saint Zacharias) was undoubtedly serving during the second week of the Jewish month of Tishri—the very week of the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of Tishri. In our calendar, the Day of Atonement would land anywhere from September 22 to October 8. Zacharias and Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist immediately after Zacharias served his course. This entails that Saint John the Baptist would have been conceived somewhere around the end of September, placing John’s birth at the end of June, confirming the Catholic Church’s celebration of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on June 24.

We read that just after the Immaculate Virgin Mary conceived Christ, she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was six months pregnant with John the Baptist. This means that John the Baptist was six months older than our Lord Jesus Christ (Lk 1:24-27, 36). If you add six months to June 24 you get December 24-25 as the birthday of Christ. Then, if you subtract nine months from December 25 you get that the Annunciation was March 25. All the dates match up perfectly. So then, if John the Baptist was conceived shortly after the Jewish Day of the Atonement, then the traditional Catholic dates are essentially correct. The birth of Christ would be about or on December 25.

Sacred Tradition also confirms Dec 25 as the birthday of the Son of God. The source of this ancient tradition is the Blessed Virgin Mary herself. Ask any mother about the birth of her children. She will not only give you the date of the birth, but she will be able to rattle off the time, the location, the weather, the weight of the baby, the length of the baby, and a number of other details. Would the Blessed Virgin Mary ever forget the birth of her Son Jesus Christ who was conceived without human seed, proclaimed by angels, born in a miraculous way, and visited by Magi? The Apostles would have asked about it and would have commemorated the blessed event that both Saint Matthew and Saint Luke chronicle for us. It is completely reasonable to state that the early Christians both knew and commemorated the birth of Christ.

Information above is taken from Taylor Marshall's writings and more detailed information on how we know the birth date of Jesus can be found in Taylor Marshall’s book “Eternal City” or on his YouTube video stated in useful links at the end of this leaflet.

Theophilus (A.D. 115-181), Catholic bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: “We ought to celebrate the birthday of Our Lord on what day soever the 25th of December shall happen.”

Saint Augustine confirms this tradition of March 25 as the Messianic conception and December 25 as His birth: "For Christ is believed to have been conceived on the 25th of March, upon which day also he suffered; so the womb of the Virgin, in which he was conceived, where no one of mortals was begotten, corresponds to the new grave in which he was buried, wherein was never man laid, neither before him nor since. But he was born, according to tradition, upon December the 25th.

Christmas Proclamation

✦ Today, the twenty-fifth day of December.

✦ In the five thousand one hundred and ninety-ninth year of the creation of the world from the time when God in the beginning created the heavens and the earth;

✦ the two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seventh year after the flood;

✦ the two thousand and fifteenth year from the birth of Abraham;

✦ the one thousand five hundred and tenth year from Moses and the going forth of the people of Israel from Egypt;

✦ the one thousand and thirty-second year from David's being anointed king;

✦ in the sixty-fifth week according to the prophecy of Daniel;

✦ in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad;

✦ the seven hundred and fifty-second year from the foundation of the city of Rome;

✦ the forty second year of the reign of Octavian Augustus;

✦ the whole world being at peace,

✦ in the sixth age of the world,

✦ Jesus Christ the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by his most merciful coming, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and nine months having passed since his conception,

✦ was born in Bethlehem of Judea of the Virgin Mary, being made flesh.

✦ The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.

To those who ask, is the proclamation denying that the earth is millions of years old? Is it denying evolution? The answer to both of those questions is Yes, evolution is a lie! If you are unsure about evolution, here is a good place to start - Evolution, a False Religion World View Masqueraded as Science ( 

Useful links:

Wishing you a Holy and Joyful Christmas

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